Privacy Policy
1. Legal Entity
ChimKnee Sweeps is the trading name of the sole trader Jordan Terrell.
2. Primary Business Activities
ChimKnee Sweeps’ primary activities are the chimney sweeping and the stove maintenance services.
3. Your Personal Data
ChimKnee Sweeps collects and stores information that you give when you make a booking. You are asked for your name, address, telephone number and email. This information is stored in password protected systems. It is not shared with any other third party (except as required by law).
Your data is also stored after your appointment and for ChimKnee Sweeps to contact you for your repeat business.
4. Security Procedures
In accordance with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), ChimKnee Sweeps observe reasonable procedures to prevent unauthorised access and misuse of personal information. They use appropriate business systems and procedures to protect and safeguard any personal information given to them. They also use security procedures and technical and physical restrictions for accessing and using the personal information on their servers. Only authorised personnel are permitted to access personal information in the course of their work.
5. Control of your Personal Data
You have the right to access data that is stored on behalf of ChimKnee Sweeps by contacting us. You can email or write to ChimKnee Sweeps to request an overview of your personal data.
You can also email or write to ChimKnee Sweeps if you believe that the personal information they have for you is incorrect, if you believe that they are no longer entitled to use your personal data or if you have any other questions about how your personal information is used or about the Privacy Statement.
6. Reviews
You may also be asked to send feedback after your appointment in order for ChimKnee Sweeps to further improve their service. Your email address will be used for this purpose. If you complete a review it may be posted on ChimKnee Sweeps website, facebook page or Forest traders website. However, no identifying details will ever be attached to a review posting.
To Process your information as described above, we rely on the following legal bases:
Performance of a contract. The storage of your information may be necessary to perform the contract that you have with ChimKnee Sweeps.
Legitimate Interests. We may use your information for our legitimate interests, such as for administrative, fraud detection and legal purposes.
A cookie is a small amount of data that is placed in the browser of your computer or on your mobile device. These cookies are used only to help you make a smooth booking and contain information on wether a booking was made. There is a difference between session cookies and persistent cookies. Session cookies will only exist until you close your browser. Persistent cookies have a longer lifespan and are not automatically deleted once you close your browser. We use persistent cookies in Google Analytics to analyse visitor traffic and behaviour.
By using ChimKnee Sweeps website or proceeding with a booking you are consenting to the above use of cookies.”